Friday, July 20, 2012

Welcome to Indie Games Story

Indie Games Story (Part of Siifour Studios) is a place to showcase the growth of a video game designer and developer while attending school as an entering Freshman at Champlain College. My name is Ryan Huggins and the information present on this website will include a variety of things, including development updates on my various projects, postmortems of anything I work on, game reviews detailing my thoughts (indie and mainstream), and various tutorials and musings that I wish to share with the public.

My goal is to create a comprehensive guide for aspiring game developers by outlining my personal progress as a student game designer/developer/programmer/artist with a focus on the things I learn, the mistakes I make, and the thoughts that I have. Hopefully, over time, the information here can serve as a resource for people who wish to pursue a career in the game industry.

The blog will be updated on a random basis, with a blog update at least once a week. For more frequent musings, follow me on Twitter @TheRyanHuggins .

Expect greatness. Ryan Huggins~

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