Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Welcome Back, Me

Well, it's certainly been awhile since I've last updated. For the last few weeks (months?) I've just been acquainting myself with the college life. I'm now attending Champlain College for game design and so far it's been a pretty fun time. ...But no one cares about my college experience. What's important is that I've been improving my skills as a game developer and designer for the time I've been gone and here I am, returning prepared to make some games. So, let's talk about those.

Project Fall :

My previous project, Project Fall, hasn't been updated too much, though I'll potentially be releasing the prototype to the wild soon. Currently, I'm working on developing an artistic style for the game before I dive head-first back into development and turning it into either an arcade-style platformer (a murderbox as I like to call it) or a full-fledged platformer. Who knows. Maybe I'll do both! The design is solid, the testers like/love it, the controls are sexy--it's a good prototype...now to just make something with it.

Concept Art for Project Fall

Dolphin Squadron :

Here is the project that I'm currently working on. Dolphin Squadron! Dolphin Squadron is an arcade-inspired scrolling shooter where you play as a dolphin employed by the Marines/SEALS to intercept and destroy deadly, coastal-city-destroying, mines...with your flimsy dolphin body. I like to call the game Exploding Sea Battles sometimes since there are a lot of explosions, many of which are friendly sea creatures simply getting in your way.

I designed the game for my Game History and Development class here at Champlain College, but it was an idea that I had previously come up with while I was showering. Figuring that a radical game about exploding sea creatures and a weaponized dolphin would garner at least a little attention, I decided to use the concept for the game. Right now, the game is a little more than a prototype and I plan to throw up some updates and videos here to show progress as the game develops.

A friend of mine actually turned his monitor to play the game...
Dolphin Squadron was developed over 4 weeks (for class), though arguably, I coded pretty much the entire current version of the game in less than a week (the last week :P) before the game was due. We plan to finish the game and add some more crazy shit to make it sexier and overall more fun to play. Current issues include difficulty, a minor lack of understanding the goal (for new players), and a shitty tutorial.

Hanriot :

Hanriot was our (ACPC Production's) first game jam game. We formed at the game jam and have decided to stay a loose group pretty much during our time at college. Hanriot was a game designed for the theme of disavantage and our lead designer (I programmed), James Shasha, decided on an Italian Pilot who crash-lands in the Alps, behind enemy lines, during WWI. The goal of the game is to get through the Alps and reach the city at the end of the game.

We didn't manage to complete the game because of mapping bottleneck issues with Game Maker 8.1, but we did create a visually pleasing game (even though it wasn't perfect) in 48 hours, with a bunch of freshman game developers. We were very pleased with ourselves.



Project Clusterfuck :

So, I wanted to make an RPG/Adventure game and thus, Project Clusterfuck was born. Generally, I develop games under the Siifour Studios name, but this game is currently being developed under "my" side-studio ACPC Productions (you don't want to know what it stands for) and the final game will probably fall under the ACPCP and Siifour Studios production houses (Siifour's designer and musician and ACPCP's artists, testers, co-designer).

The game is literally a clusterfuck of five different RPG stories because we thought it would be cool to have the player transverse through a series of different RPG stories. Whether or not the idea will hold up is up for speculation, but based on our current designs, we're more than ready for the hurdle. I'm producing, coding, and designing the game, but with five people writing five different stories for the game, I figure that I'll be more of a mediator and balance maintainer than a full-fledged designer. :P

Project Clusterfuck is my current large-scale side-project. While I work on Clusterfuck, I'll probably develop at least 5 or 6 games of a Project Fall or Dolphin Squadron scale and hopefully they'll be just as fun as those two games are shaping up to be.

We will also have a fuck-ton of art and concept assets.

Now here are the artists:

Brook (Revocare) :

Some of Brook's OCs.
A mecha and it's rider (WIP)
Brook is our key artist. 

Megahn (Nanrie) :

Two Clusterfuck characters together. 

One of Megahn's OCs.

She can drawn with pencils too. Who does that anymore? ;D

Hunter (Totalblatherskite) :

They got infatuated by a cat in a movie. He drew a cat.

OCs from Hunter's story. 

Matt (Pseudosutra  I don't currently have any of his art, but here are his character designs) :

One of Matt's characters drawn by Brook.

An ACPCP fan favorite. Gungie (I think that's how they spell it...)


Ryan  (Project Duo) :

The main character of Project Duo.
I'm not a colorist. Haha

The above character's brother.

Note : All of this art (sans Hunter's) is for Project Clusterfuck. ;D

Expect Greatness.
Ryan Huggins~

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