Friday, May 31, 2013

Dolphin Squadron has been RELEASED!

The game still looks wonderful when played in portrait mode. Kinda looks like a long tablet. Haha! (From early demo)
We've been developing Dolphin Squadron for about three of four months now (mostly on and off development because of school), but it's finally finished! Yay!
The game is a vertical scrolling shooter where you play as a mechanized dolphin hired by the US NAVY SEALS to intercept dangerous underwater mines in order to save various coastal cities from utter devastation! 

Gameplay Description
The game begins as your dolphin is fired out of a deep-sea submarine in an effort to catch up with an angler-like mecha that’s carrying a city-destroying mine up towards the surface. Starting at the bottom of a deep-sea trench and traveling up towards the surface, the goal of the game is to destroy the mine before it reaches the surface by first, catching up with and destroying a mechanized angler fish (a mecha) that's carrying it to the surface, and then destroying the mine with your dolphin. Sadly, to safely detonate the mines, you need to slam your flimsy dolphin into it...



If you play the game and like it, show your support by visiting Jack's Extended Play (EP) page at and maybe even purchasing his music! He's made music for so many of my/our games and deserves some serious attention as a musician and composer for games. :D

Other News

Now that Dolphin Squadron is done, I will be working full-time on Orphan Adventure Game with artist, Matt Barrett and composer, Jack Yeates.

I also never got a chance to write part two of Motivated Design due to release date issues with Dolphin Squadron, but I will be getting ready to write that as SOON as possible!

Expect Greatness~
Ryan Huggins.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer 2013: Week 2

So, as far as game development is concerned, this week was a moot point. I didn't really do anything at all and honestly I'm not sure why. I've been feeling a TAD unmotivated I guess, but I think I can fix that through some room cleaning and willpower. I actually almost forgot that I needed to write a post this week, but here I am, scraping up stuff that I've done, but not shown and creating a post!

Anyway, the only thing I made progress on this week was Dolphin Squadron. I quickly designed and made the art for a website which will be active in a few days with a trailer that has yet to be made. >_> I still have a bit to do before the release at the end of this month/beginning of next month.

In other news

I did do a substantial amount of art (by my average output) for Project Clusterfuck (game) and Project Duo (web comic). It wasn't technically this week, but it is work that I haven't shown off yet, so I figure I'll talk about it for a little while. I might make it a goal to draw a test page a week over the summer to get into some sort of rhythm, but I've given myself way too much work I feel... I seriously need to reduce my workload so that I can focus on something and stop stressing out. :U Anyway.

Project Duo!

Project Duo is a story/game/web-comic that I've been working on for some time, but have made very little progress on. If I'm going to focus on any two things this summer (3 months now :<), it will be this and something else like Orphan Adventure Game.


I don't have a very solid synopsis of the story yet, but it's a story about two young adults (Decus and Sera) leaving home and going on adventure so that Decus can become a hero. Obviously it's more intricate than that, but I find that the best stories are the ones that aren't cluttered or over-hyped. Those are the stories that end up being the most charming in my opinion. This story is primarily character-driven, so I plan for it to have a substantial amount of character development and dilemmas sprinkled throughout, but I also hope to keep it pretty simple overall.

A slightly more attractive synopsis of the story is this one.

Without his brother home to distract him anymore, Decus realizes that he's the only person in his family who hasn't saved the world. Being the type of guy he is (crazy and ridiculous) he buys a spaceship so that he can search the cosmos for a world without a hero; one that he can save! Sera tags along (as the main character) because she doesn't want to lose the only person that she really trusts. The story follows the duo on a mission to find an inhabited planet that needs to be saved. Their goal is to save whatever planet they find from utter destruction. At some point in the story, they get derailed in their mission, but the goals are always the same. Be heroes. Define justice. Save the world (universe [multiverse]).


Here is Sera, the main character of Project Duo.

Sera is the co-lead/main character of Project Duo and in many ways is a difficult character to explain. She was born on the same planet as Decus (below) and shares a special bond of friendship with him because of some hectic events that went down in the past. She has some serious trust issues and can be extremely straight-forward at times, but ultimately just wants to be happy. She thinks that she can find happiness by attempting to becoming a hero with Decus, but she's not quite as dedicated.

Decus is arguably the real main character, but we don't tell anyone. He's a "fan" favorite.

Decus is a character that helps to drive the plot of Project Duo forward. He is absolutely and utterly dedicated to any task that will allow him to reach his goals, but because of that, he's also kind of ridiculous and dangerous. He uses his unnatural levels of charisma to get what needs to be done, done, but despite this, he is also the only member of his family that hasn't become a hero yet. 

This is Alice, our resident strange-ass character.

Alice is character that suddenly appears on the duo's ship early on in their adventure and cannot be identified by the ship's AI (MAHM). She can be severely unsettling and deranged at times, but she's also a little girl. Aww, look at her. She's playing with a butterfly. <3 

This is Charlie, a mid-game/story character. She's kind of a hipster of the future.

Charlie is Decus' brother's partner-in-crime and somehow ends up as a part of the party. Tragically she's a bit of a hipster.

I was asked to sketch some weapons for a lizard race in PD, so here is 40 minutes of sketches (I'm slow).

I have a writer on-board for Project Duo so that I can focus on the art and development. He asked me to sketch him some weapons for a lizard-like race, so I drew some stuff. I hope to slowly fall out of my comfort zone with this project and improve dramatically as an artist in the process.

This is a draft of the crew's spaceship. It's like a duck. Yay!
This is the Schietern, the Project Duo spaceship. It's pretty small, but pretty cool at the same time. At least Decus really likes it.

So, that's really all I have to say today. The next part of Motivated Design still needs to be written, so I'll post it as it's own post tomorrow probably. :D

Expect Greatness.
Ryan Huggins~

Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer 2013: Week 1

Getting prepared for an Orphan Adventure Game.
This is the first of a series of weekly updates for the blog and today, I figure I'll talk a little bit about Orphan Adventure Game. If you are not interested in OAG, then at the end of this blog post I introduce a new topic that may offer insight to the world of student developers (at least at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont).

Orphan Adventure Game

OAG is currently a project that I plan to prototype and develop with Matt Barrett and Jack Yeates over the next seven to eight weeks. I explained the concept of the game in my previous update, but to simplify, it's a three phase RPG where you explore, shop and battle as a rag-tag group of musical orphans. The phases take inspiration from various rouguelikes, Second Wind, Final Fantasy, Mother 3 and The Binding of Isaac, though these mostly inspire the exploration and shopping systems. The battle system is based on musical orphans using sounds and music to defeat their foes, but it's not a rhythm-based system. It's in it's early stages, but as time goes on and more progress is made, I'll reveal more about it.

The game's prototype is going to be made in AS3 as to give it a large, easily-accessible target audience and distribution stream, but the full-game, assuming the prototype(s) pan out, will be written for other platforms. I'm aiming to release a full-version of the game as a multi-platform, browser/mobile/personal computer venture, but judging by how poorly AS3 handles sound, I may end up abandoning browsers. We will see.

Currently, I am working on making sounds work smoothly in AS3 and as far as the prototype is concerned, I think that I am satisfied with what I have. I'm more or less brand new to the platform and I'm not using any libraries or anything (since I'm preparing for college classes that will make me use AS3), so next on my list of things to figure out is moving between phases and therefore between "rooms". My projected path is as follows:

  1. Make sure sounds are working and write fade-in/fade-out functions.
  2. Determine how to switch between phases (combat, exploration, and shop) and move between rooms.
  3. Begin prototyping of combat phase without an inventory. This will require basic character classes and stats.
    1. While doing this, I will also work on a message-box/dialogue/text-handling system to display text elegantly.
    2. I will also begin messing with animations and visual assets.
  4. Begin work on exploration phase.
    1. This will include writing something that will randomly generate rooms, but will allow me to create scripted events for the plot progression.
  5. Begin work on shopping phase.
    1. This will involve writing an basic inventory system, though this system may be written sometime earlier.
  6. After making sure the phases are fun, I'll begin polishing the phases.

Motivated Design: Part 1

Aside from creating Dolphin Squadron and starting on a variety of other projects like Orphan Adventure Game and Voyage, my freshman year at Champlain College also introduced me to a slew of potential problems that I didn't know existed, namely the lack of motivation, cloud of resentment and propagation of rivalry (sometimes negative) among some aspiring game developers. The most startling thing about this though was that these problems were being partially created by me and my team! This realization was definitely a sort of wake up call for myself and for the rest of us (we were trying to inspire people, not demotivate or upset them!), so, over the next couple of weeks, I think that I'll discuss the issue of motivated design and developers at Champlain College and abound.

An Introduction to the Issue

The issue arose when we found that our loosely defined "team", ACPC Productions, was being resented for being composed of people who, as freshmen, were very vocal about wanting to make games. Because we had actively sought out and "allied" with talented people that we worked well with, we had inadvertently upset a pretty large group of people (freshmen and upperclassmen included) that saw ACPCP as two things: an entity that was attempting to "steal" talented people away from the other developers and a clique of pretentious asshats that thought that because we had a team, a name, and ideas, that we were better than everyone else.

At first, I found it absurd that people would think something like that about us--all we wanted to do was make games and as a group that's what we did--so when we heard this from Brook, the team was more or less devastated and many of us took the news to heart. But as time went on, we began to realize that we could have potentially been upsetting people because of what we were trying to do. We wanted to make games, but so did everyone else. The problem was that with the way we approached game development, we came across as pretty self-serving or at least cliquey. We wanted to inspire people, but we were doing the opposite.

All Talk, No Games
We actively work on a lot of projects. Screenshot from the document I use to manage our "teams" and projects.
Because we work on a lot of projects (not all games), speak openly about most of them and then create and release a lot of promotional artwork (but few prototypes), we can be seen as a team that is all talk and no games. And judging by this list, which doesn't include a couple of my projects like City Across the Sky (prototype) or Voyage (concept), you can see that we do, in fact, work on a lot of projects, with only two being anywhere near completion: Dolphin Squadron and End Love. 

In addition to this, we were fairly large. This upset people and made it look like we were just arbitrarily adding people to the "clique". This was especially harmful because the whole team is usually never working at the same time. Dolphin Squadron, for example, was developed by myself, Brook and Jack Yeates, with the rest of the team occasionally doing QA and usability testing. Even more so than that though, was how we over-scoped our games at various game jams in an effort to push ourselves as hard as we could go. This led to the development of the idea that we couldn't really finish anything and spread it through a public, developer-centric space. 

A New Idea: The EDC

At that point pretty much, ACPCP and the idea of us being the group to inspire other groups at our college, was fucked. We had to improve our image, get rid of the name or do something else. James Shasha (Designer) was keen on the idea of getting rid of the name and starting anew; Brook Chipman (Artist) wanted to reduce the size of the team down to the original members (the Project Clusterfuck team); I didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't want to kick anyone out and I didn't want to lose the name that we started with. I also just wanted to work on and finish Dolphin Squadron. I just wanted to make games.

We decided to reorganize around this idea of a community of student developers. A place where anyone could go and work on anything they wanted. We designed a club that acted as a place for people to go to pitch ideas, form teams and make progress. Pretty much what we did within ACPCP, but open to everyone and not just the members of our clique. That was the idea behind the EDC, the Extracurricular game Developers of Champlain. We turned it into a club and suddenly, a lot of the negative emotions began disappear, and people seemed genuinely interested in the idea.


Expect Greatness.
Ryan Huggins~

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekly Updates and Orphan Adventure Game

It's a little weird for me to not have any new art to head my post with, but this will be a short one regardless. For the remainder of the summer, I will be adhering to a roughly weekly update schedule. Having mostly completed Dolphin Squadron means that I have a lot of free time that I can either waste or use to make more things. Today, in a way, has been a waste (granted I was sick last night), so I'm using this blog post to ground myself and prepare myself to get some serious work done on a project(s) in the coming weeks.

Orphan Adventure Game will be my primary focus for the next 8 weeks of development and hopefully by then I'll have a mostly complete game/cool prototype to show for it. Having said that, I have decided to approach the game from a more musical angle than usual and design a battle system that involves music directly in the gameplay. I'm not particularly interested in rhythm games or all of the micro-coding I'd have to do to deal with the timings and such though, so it won't be a rhythm-based system. What I hope I end up designing is something that probably won't be completely new, but will at least be cool.

Expect Greatness~
Ryan Huggins.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dolphin Squadron: Final Moments

A little Gurren Lagann is never a bad thing. :P
It's been an entertaining run, but it's finally coming to a close. Dolphin Squadron is officially in it's final stages and will be ACPC Production's first game. That's pretty fucking exciting to me! The game's been in active development for four out of the last eight months and I'm happy to say that the end-product is actually pretty fun. It is also brutally difficult at times, but the controls were partially an experiment and I think they were successful overall.

Over the coming days, I'll be writing up a postmortem for Dolphin Squadron and the development of a student game as a freshman; and, in general, I'll be trying to get Dolphin Squadron some publicity.

SPEAKING OF WHICH. When I put the game up at Tigsource for usability testing a week or two ago, picked it up and wrote a small thing about it. For a team of college freshmen with very little marketing experience and a desire to just improve, not really to make popular games, it was nice to know that our game was at least a cool enough of a concept/execution for a game journalist to pick it up. :D It also gave a bit of a motivation boost to the team and was great for me to use to inspire the game developers around campus who want to make games, but don't feel like they're good enough!

Regardless. I put this final stuff into the game yesterday at 11:57 PM and that means that the game now goes into a recluse state for about a week or so. During this time, I will be catching up on some ARTING and then later on, competing with my team for the rest of the summer to expand our worlds (for Project Clusterfuck) through web-comics. I'll also be making two games in AS3.

Orphan Adventure Game
A short RPG with a Forum Adventure art style. :P
One of our artists was having a bit of an issue actually getting art done for awhile, due to a variety of reasons, and as such, I had to intervene. He wanted to make something with a fun, quirky theme and a somewhat unusual art style for games. Enter Orphan Adventure Game, an RPG about orphans rising up and, uh, saving the world? defeating the evil ice cream man? We're not quite sure yet to be honest, but I'm designing and programming the game, while Matt Barrett is coming up with the concept and will be doing art and such. We're both writing it.

Boatventure 2013
Gotta get to work on this. Haha
After Orphan Adventure Game, I reaaaally need to get to work on Boatventure 2013. Jack Storm, one of our programmers working on a sweet secret SRPG project I designed, told me that I had like, 270 days or something to make the game. I figure if I spend like a month or two making Orphan Adventure Game, I'll be able to finish Boatventure in time. :X Let's hope, otherwise the name will be changing slightly!!! D:

Expect Greatness~
Ryan Huggins.